
#126 // Greg Silker | Building A Studio & A Story

Episode Summary

In this podcast, Greg Silker (Producer) and Andy Schmitt (Producer) discuss the mission and vision of Rocketsled Studios and what it takes to create an animated children's series. They talk about the Tales of the Kingdom animated TV series, how they plan to create it, and how you can be a better storyteller! For more information on Rocketsled Studios: https://www.rocketsledstudios.org For more information on Tales of the Kingdom: https://www.rocketsledstudios.org/tales-of-the-kingdom

Episode Notes

In this podcast, Greg Silker (Producer) and Andy Schmitt (Producer) discuss the mission and vision of Rocketsled Studios and what it takes to create an animated children's series. They talk about the Tales of the Kingdom animated TV series, how they plan to create it, and how you can be a better storyteller!


For more information on Rocketsled Studios: https://www.rocketsledstudios.org 

For more information on Tales of the Kingdom: https://www.rocketsledstudios.org/tales-of-the-kingdom